Week 1

Day 1,Thursday Feb 24th
     Did not record

Day 2, Friday Feb 25th
  • 8-9, woke up with a dry diaper, peed in potty, breakfast, peed on seat :(, started pooping on mat, finished in potty. Peed on mat around 9 while i wasn't watching
  • 9:10, peed while i wasn't watching
  • 9:35, tiny pee on floor again
  • 10:15, peed while i went to get her bottle, then fed 4 oz
  • 10:20, pooped in potty :)
  • 10:55, missed another pee :(
  • 11:25, nap
  • 12:00, woke up dry from nap and peed in potty
  • 12:25, peed on high chair
  • 12:45, peed on mat right after being offered the potty
  • 1:00, fed 2+ oz
  • 1:04, Katie peed... AGAIN
  • 1:25, took Katie for a pee... and she peed! YAY
  • 1:55, fed 2ish oz
  • 2:00, Took Katie for a pee, she peed :) seemed happy
  • 2:15, nap
  • 2:52, woke up dry from nap, wouldn't pee and was upset. I think she felt pressured
  • 2:58, peed inpotty after we walked around the house and she relaxed
  • 3:20, peed on the potty after much fussing
  • 3:35, fed 5.5-6 oz put on diaper, i'm tired, going to see if she'll nap with me
  • 4:05, after finally falling asleep, dogs barked and woke her up. Peed in diaper
  • Stayed diapered until 7, fed her, she had a small pee, put her in a diaper and put her to sleep
caught 6/16 pees 1.5/2 poops

Day 3, Saturday Feb 26th
  • Peed between 9:30-10 in diaper
  • Peed in potty after swim class, around 10:45
  • Peed in diaper on way home, between 11-11:15
  • Peed on floor around 11:30
  • Bath
  • 11:50, fed 4 oz, offered a pee but didn't go
  • 12:07, peed on floor, sat up halfway, paused and continued playing
  • 12:25, nap
  • 1:37, woke up dry and peed in toilet
  • 1:42, peed a little on the mat, i guess she wasn't done. Put her in a diaper
  • 4:00-5:30, nap, peed in toilet after
  • peed between bedtime feed and book, 6:50? peed again at 7:20 and fell asleep
  • Fed and peed at 9:50 had a wet diaper too
Day 4, Sunday Feb 27th
  • Daddy fed Katie and took her to the bathroom where she pooped
  • 8 AM Daddy heard grunting noises, I checked her diaper and missed her whole poop.
  • Missed all pee's today, had her in a diaper for most of the day, barely missed a poop in the afternoon
  • Kept bucket by crib, changed diaper at every feed and caught a pee each time.
Day 5, Monday Feb 28th
  • 7:00, wake up and pee in potty, wet diaper, although would not pee at last change
  • 7:10, wet diaper
  • 7:30, wet diaper
  • 8:28, peed in bucket. It was forced, she hadn't peed in a n hour, I kept offering, this time I offered even while she screamed at me... she had a good pee. Put her in a diaper, Izzy will be here shortly
  • between 8:30-9:20, peed in diaper
  • 10:20, changed wet diaper, fed 3 oz, went down for a nap
  • 11:07, woke from nap with wet diaper, wouldn't pee in potty
  • 11:20, peed on mat
  • 11:23, big pee on floor, started to poop, caught most in toilet
  • 11:35, crawled over to me fussing, I picked her up and offered her water, she peed.
  • 11:30-1:30, too busy to write, Katie had a poop, caught most in toilet
  • 1:55, took off wet diaper, fed 6 oz, fell asleep without peeing
  • 2:40, woke up dry from nap, went for a little pee in potty, having a hard time getting her to relax to pee
  • 3:30, changed poopy diaper
  • 4:00, changed wet diaper, fed 5.5 oz, peed in toilet, went to library + A&W. in diapers until 7pm, fed 7.5 oz, peed in toilet
Day 6, Tuesday March 1st
  • Caught a pee at each feed last night
  • 8:25, took Katie for a pee, she seems to relax faster if  I run the tap a bit
  • 8:40, peed on mat, I was going to try taking her in 5 minutes :(
  • 9:30 fed 2 oz, won't pee
  • 9:35, pooped in toilet and had a little pee, still fussing... iugh
  • 9:55, crawled over to me fussing, fed 1 0z and went for a pee in bucket
  • 10:10, little pee on mat... Katie hasn't stopped fussing
  • 10:20, fed 4-6 oz, peed in potty
  • 10:36, little pee in potty
  • 10:57, peed on mat while trying to fall asleep
  • 11:00, Katie was pissing me off, put her in play pen with soother
  • 11:15, wouldn't nap, put her on floor and she peed.
  • 11:32, Put Katie in bed with me, she fought hard for a few minutes then fell asleep :)
  • 12:10, woke up wet, but went pee in potty without fussing
  • 12:30, peed while eating lunch
  • 12:50, Peed while I prepared a bottle,minutes after offering
  • 12:55, Drank 4.5 oz, pooped in toilet, will try to pee in 10 min
  • 1:08, took Katie for a pee, peed without fussing
  • 1:30, took her for a pee, a little fussy, but peed
  • 1:52, caught her peeing on floor, made cueing sounds while she did. Noticed she got up on her knees to pee ( offered potty at 1:48)
  • 2:31, still won't pee, put diaper on her in hopes of a nap
  • 2:42, drank 3 oz, fell asleep
  • 3:19, woke from nap to jojo barking. didn't pee. Keeping diaper on her.
Caught 8/16 pees 50% :) 2/2 poops

Day 7, Wednesday March 2nd
  • 8:10, woke up, went for pee, biggest pee caught yet :) Caught a pee at each feed last night
  • 8:15, peed while eating breakfast, drank 1 0z and had apple sause, face didn't turn red!
  • 8:31, katie peed without fussing
  • 9:17, fed 3 oz
  • 9:20 fussed alot, BIG BURP, then had a good pee without fussing
  • 9:35, missed a pee
  • 9:40,missed another little pee
  • 9:56, peed again, very fussy still
  • 10:33, was holding Latie making her bottle, she peed on the floor, I made cuing sounds
  • 10:40, had 4-5 oz
  • 10:43, pooped in bucket :)
  • 11:10, took Katie for a pee, had a good pee and poop, hopefully nap time now
  • 11:24, Katie finally fell asleep. I should nap, but am going to read
  • 12:05, woke up dry and peed in potty
  • 12:17, peed while i was on the phone. still not giving signals
  • 12:27, peed in in exercauser
  • 12:38, Katie was starting to grunt, brought her to the bathroom where she pooped
  • 1:32, Katie is driving me nuts, offered her a pee twice, then she peed on the floor. I can't wait for warmer weather. I need to get outside.
  • 2:14 fed... overtired cranky baby finally pees after much complaining and many silly songs. won't go to sleep still, I'm frustrated, so soother it is... not even a minute and she was asleep.
  • 2:45, Katie woke up and went for a small pee in potty
  • 2:52, peed on mat
  • 2:56, peed on mat again
  • 3:02, peed on floor AGAIN. WTF? she just peed 4 times in 17 minutes. Put her in diaper for remainder of the day.
  • Bath at six, peed after bath, drank 4 oz, fast asleep.
caught 10/21 pees 2/3 poops ( one in diaper ) Good day except for the cluster pees lol