Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thanksgiving weekend

I love thanksgiving weekends. My favorite so far was when we flew home and surprised everyone, but this one was pretty great as well. Last Thursday Elijah was told that we were second in line for the cabin, and the first person decided not to take it, so off we went to spend the long weekend in peace by the lake ♥

We came home for a few hours on Saturday to make an apple pie, a cake, finish up the macaroni salad and shower, then off to Vic and Jay's for our turkey dinner and to celebrate Justin and Brandy's birthdays. mmmmmm i love turkey. And i love good company. We left a little early so that we could get back to the cabin and put Katie to bed before it was really far past her bed time. Exhausted, we ended up passing out on the couch for an hour, before calling it a night. The nights at the cabin are enough to make you really relax. You can see so many stars out there, and across the lake you see the lights of the city you left behind. The mornings on the lake are enough to make you want to stay there and not go back to the city. The sky and the water melt together into a beautiful cotton candy pink.

Morning walks down the beach with the dogs off leash, not a soul in sight except for a few birds out on the water. Afternoons spent exploring the area, jumping in leaves and listening to the sounds of nature. Evenings spent reading, playing cards or just chatting, inside the cabin, warm from the fire.

I will never buy a house in the city again. If I can't live on a lake, I'll at least be in the country far enough away from the city to see the stars and seldom hear a car.

Tonight, we'll be having our own little turkey dinner. Just the three of us. Katie and I walked to the grocery store this morning to get a loaf of white bread for the dressing, since Elijah prefers his dressing made with store bought bread. Katie fell asleep when we were within sight of the house, meaning an early and short nap. Which left me to make a turkey this afternoon with a small child running around the kitchen complaining. I don't think she's stopped since...I wish we were still at the cabin, things are much simpler there. Katie doesn't seem to get as cranky either. Someday, when we live somewhere where lakefront lots don't cost 300 000$, before building on them. Oh how i love Cold Lake Real Estate.

A couple side notes, Elijah made his first blog entry yesterday :) his bow has come a long way and will probably be done by the time Katie and i get back form Ontario. We're leaving on Friday after lunch for Saskatoon, the our flight leaves at 6 am on Saturday, meaning a 4-430 am wake up depending how far away the airport is. Here's hoping Katie and i can get along for 3 hours with her sitting on my lap...or well, here's hoping that since it's such an early flight, that they have spare seats and i can bucket her in beside me. I can't wait to go home this weekend, spend time with my family and see all of my McPherson cousins at Kris' wedding.

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