Wednesday, November 30, 2011

EC Update among other things

Well, I suppose it's been almost a month since I've written on here, so it's about time I did so. This month has been very busy and has just flown by. This Friday marks 36 weeks into my pregnancy, so in 8 days, baby is getting it's official eviction notice! Lots of sex, long walks and scrubbing the floors until they sparkle. HAHA. baby is being born " Avant Noel"

Katie has been a bit of a handful lately, since she's started to cut her top eye teeth. one is through, and the other is almost there. i was really hoping all four would be in before number 2 is born, but it doesn't look promising, seeing how long these are taking to come through. Luckily she does fairly well while teething, except at night. But that's okay, since I haven't been sleeping well for weeks anyways.It seems that EC has paid off!!!! I'm not sure when to officially call her a graduate, but we must be getting close. Unless she's cranky about something ( like teeth poking through gums) or if her poop is super super soft, we manage to catch most pees and poops. Her new things is a funny little grunt and desperate look your way, usually accompanied by her potty sign, but not always.

Three times in the past little while, while shopping at walmart, Katie has expressed the need top go potty, and held it until we were able to get to the bathroom. So not only do we have about at 90-95%  success rate at home, but she knows that she can ask to use the bathroom while we're away from home as well.

The only real downside to it, is that she sometimes thinks she has to poop, when in reality it's just a it's a little frustrating when you take her for a pee at a restaurant, and then 5 minutes later she asks to go again, just to fart on the toilet. Ugh.

Well, i'm going to take advantage of the rest of Katie's naptime to try and get material cut out for a couple more pairs of trainers for her. Tonight I'm going to try to zip through a pile of diapers for the baby and make 2-3 more undies for katie.

8 days...and then the clock is ticking haha :) I can't wait. Everything is (hopefully) going to be ready by next Friday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you will have everything that you need ready by then - you seem SUPER prepared. :) Btw, I miss your blogging lol.
