Monday, January 16, 2012

Fridge worthy

I can't get over how much DJ has been screaming, or how much he feeds compared to Katie. It's overwhelming and frustrating. To make things worse, people just tell me stupid things like
- babies do that
- he'll grow out of it
-he has colic
-it must be colic
-maybe he's just a bit colicky...

shut it already! Then I googled it, trying to find something besides " all babies cry" and " it's normal"... you know,  something sensible. and i came across this...

I love it. period. very reassuring to know that it's just our culture that's a bit screwed up, not my kid. I have no problem feeding him all day if i have to, but when you have it drilled into your brain that babies should only feed a certain amount of times per's hard.

Also interesting, is a comment the author leaves about co sleeping. apparently in Kenya it's considered un safe to let your baby sleep alone. So shut it about my choice to cosleep, breastfeed on demand and carry my child through out the in arms phase.

The end. :) I feel better already!

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