Friday, September 16, 2011

short little EC update

Last night we put Katie in her undies for a test run, and wouldn't you know it, she was a little bum and had me up at all hours, so around 2-3 ish, i brought her into our bed, where she tossed and turned for the next two or three hours keeping myself and Elijah from sleeping properly. she was put back in her own bed around 530 and i admit, i ignored her for a good five minutes when she awoke from the dogs/Elijah's alarm. SO her undies were wet, but her jammies stayed dry. it was pretty cool. Mind you it wasn't a big pee, but since she was lying on her tummy when she peed, I was impressed at how they held in all the pee.

Elijah took care of her and fed her this morning while I slowly woke up. thank god for awesome husbands ♥. She played her little potty game a bit today, but not as much as yesterday. She started getting really fussy when nap time was approaching, and kindly peed on the floor in front of me, while signaling that she was going potty. i was quite pleased!

While surfing the internet today, I stumbled across a blog entry from a mom who cloth diapered and EC'ed her little one. i thought it was amusing so i thought I'd share:

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