Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Super Size Me

It's 9 am, and I just finished watching super size me. What a disgusting movie. They show parts of a surgery to shrink a man's stomach. It's a good thing we've decided to start eating healthy again, starting today. Even after watching that movie, I think I would still happily go and get a burger and fries. Knowing that my daughter would only eat the fries if you let her, and that whatever goes into my body, goes into my son's. Knowing all the toll it takes on my body, and how sluggish it makes me feel... I would still go for a milk shake. Just one more, that would no doubt become another a couple of weeks later, or days, depending on how lazy we are. I'm sure I'll eat fast food again. There's just something about the smell as you drive by, or maybe it's just how often you see their logos...whatever it is, it's addictive and I love my greasy foods...until I'm done eating and feel like crap.

So our goal is really just to eat healthier. But I'd like to eat local as much as possible too. I'm going to try cooking with foods I've never tried, and try to eat seasonal farmers market foods. Lets see how well we do, having both grown up on very limited diets.

1 comment:

  1. We try not to eat out at all anymore. Now that we've started meal planning it's way easier to say no to fast food. Paul has even stopped drinking coffee :)
