Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Holy crow am I ever out of shape. At the beginning of each hockey season, my first skate of the year, my ears hurt. Today, when i went for my run, by the end of the third interval, my ear was hurting. Plus a few other places on my body lol. Anyways, point is that I'm out of shape :D But I'm glad I'm doing something about it. speaking of doing something about getting in shape...

CONGRATULATIONS BRANDY!!! :D My friend ( and i know you read this ) placed third in Cold Lake's Biggest winner this year! Out of 100 people!!! She's been doing amazing these past few months, and looks fantastic ( not that she didn't before) but she just looks confident and proud of what she's accomplished. Anyways, if that's not enough to motivate me to get my ass in gear...well then, I guess I'm screwed haha! Wish me luck :D

P.S. In six weeks we head home for two weeks, which means i should be able to run 5km by then. I'm hoping to do it in under 25 minutes, because in high school I ran a 5 km race for gym class, which our teacher said we'd get an extra 5% on our report card if we did it in under 25 minutes... I did it in just over 25 minutes, but still got the extra credit :P Anyways, it would be nice to finally do it!  SO if you hear of a 5 km race going on close to Guelph while I'm home, let me know!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012


The plan ( because I'm lazy and unmotivated)

5km in six weeks. ( I got this from Today's Parent )

Week one (which started today)

Workout 1 (today): 30 minute walk
Workout 2 (wednesday): 7-min walk, 2 min run, 1 min walk, repeat 3 times, 7 min walk
Workout 3 ( Friday) : 7 min walk, 2 min run, 90 sec walk, 3 min run, 90 sec walk, 2 min run, 7 min walk

:) The walk today was nice, I was in a bit of a funk today. We went to the provincial park for a bit, which cheered me up, and then went for a walk. I think that was all I needed. Anyways, hopefully i stick to this, I'll let you know!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Picture Post

Daddy and Katie playing Xbox

Nap time

Diapers on the line ♥

Elijah shooting his bow for the first time! he loves it :)

 Oops! haha 

Bad form...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

kinda went awol...

Sorry about the sporadic updates. I know that they're few and far between, but things have been just a little hectic since DJ was born. It seems as if we've had visitors non stop. I'll start with a quick update on the last little while.

-In laws visited
-My sister and Niece visited
-My bestie and her fiancee visited
-Alex went home, leaving Sara to deal with a grouchy mama by herself for a week lol
-Katie cut one of her two year old molars and is super cranky while she works on the rest
-Potty training sucks. Toddlers seem to be way to busy to stop and go for a pee.
-Kids are growing up WAY to fast. Raevyn will be one on Saturday, and Sophie will be two :'(
-We decided not to go to my cousin's wedding, which makes me sad, but it was an unrealistic trip with two under two's
-We paid off the credit card!!!
-We got a flat tire ( one of our nice newish snow tires) and we both just laughed! I love not having to worry about money
-We brought Katie's twin bed back upstairs and put her toddler bed in our room for DJ
-It makes me kinda lonely having him sleeping in a different he starts the night off in his bed, and I bring him into our bed when he wakes to feed. This way I get snuggles with my hubby, and then i get to snuggle with my little guy for the rest of the night :)
- Elijah has been working out a lot. He has a pair of shorts that used to be to small, and now they're to big. We're going to have to buy him a new swim suit as well, or they're going to fall off his skinny  butt.
-We've been eating out WAY to much, and not eating healthy enough at home.
-We're going home for two weeks in July!! ( Karen that's for you )
-People see my little guy and ask how old he is, he's five months today, they think he's 7 or 8 months. Katie on the other hand, is still little :) I love my babies.

Mmmmmm that's it for my update, not for a short rant:

I think the thing I don't like the most about military life, is not knowing when you're going to be posted. We've been here for four years, which should mean we're nearing the end of this posting. But then again, you can always get posted to different units on base. You could spend you're entire career in one place if they wanted to keep you there. Elijah is ranked pretty high for his rank and trade, which likely means a promotion next fiscal year. With promotions you typically get a posting as well. We were hoping to go to Borden, and he could have two postings there ( one at 400 and one at the school. But since they're closing 400 squadron, there goes that idea.

Not knowing how long we'll be here, is keeping me from being social. I don't want to go and make a whole bunch of friends with kids, just to leave them all in a year. Next posting I think will be easier, because we'll be going there as a young family, and we will make friends who have kids, instead of spending the first half of our posting drinking and hanging out with the party crowd. For some reason, those friends seem to disappear once you have children, and starting over in the same town kinds sucks. Oh well, we have a few good friends here, I just wish I could suck it up and stop being anti social.