Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Holy crow am I ever out of shape. At the beginning of each hockey season, my first skate of the year, my ears hurt. Today, when i went for my run, by the end of the third interval, my ear was hurting. Plus a few other places on my body lol. Anyways, point is that I'm out of shape :D But I'm glad I'm doing something about it. speaking of doing something about getting in shape...

CONGRATULATIONS BRANDY!!! :D My friend ( and i know you read this ) placed third in Cold Lake's Biggest winner this year! Out of 100 people!!! She's been doing amazing these past few months, and looks fantastic ( not that she didn't before) but she just looks confident and proud of what she's accomplished. Anyways, if that's not enough to motivate me to get my ass in gear...well then, I guess I'm screwed haha! Wish me luck :D

P.S. In six weeks we head home for two weeks, which means i should be able to run 5km by then. I'm hoping to do it in under 25 minutes, because in high school I ran a 5 km race for gym class, which our teacher said we'd get an extra 5% on our report card if we did it in under 25 minutes... I did it in just over 25 minutes, but still got the extra credit :P Anyways, it would be nice to finally do it!  SO if you hear of a 5 km race going on close to Guelph while I'm home, let me know!!!

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