Monday, June 11, 2012

title MIA

So, running is coming along nicely. Pushing a stroller definitely slows you down and wears you out faster. Sucks to be Vicky who's pushing the double stroller lol. Anyways, I feel pretty confident that we'll be able to reach the 5km no problem by the end of this. After that we're thinking of bumping it up to 10km, hopefully in time for the terry fox run in the fall.

Aside from running, I got a nice little surprise when i stepped in the scale today. For the past four years I've weighed 155. Now I weigh 149. i know, it's not a huge difference, but it still feels good :). Hopefully we can keep eating healthier and i can add more exercise to my life. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to reach 140!

Last thing, we spent the day at Ethel lake on Sunday. It was wonderful ♥ That's the kind of life I want to life. The kids loved every minute, and so did I. There's nothing quite as calming as nursing your baby on the end of a dock with your toes in the water.

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