Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby Kay is 6 months old (tomorrow)

My beautiful little girl will be 6 months old tomorrow! I can't believe how fast it goes. We'll be out getting her six month immunizations tomorrow, so i figured I'd make this post tonight, in case she doesn't feel well afterward.  

Katie: you continue to amaze me with how quickly you're growing up. Six months ago, all you did was eat sleep poop and cry. It wasn't very rewarding for the first four or five weeks. Then one day when we were visiting with Tara, you smiled and I feel in love with you all over again. Around Christmas time, you mastered rolling and we had to start baby proofing the house. A month ago you cut your first two teeth. Everyone said they came early. Lately you've been fussy because you can't reach your toys and every time you tried to wiggle towards them, you only went backwards. Today, one day before you are officially 6 months old, you figured out how to wiggle forwards. I was excited and spent most of the day with my eyes glued to you. I figured that you were just learning how to slither and army crawl, but then you started to get up on your knees and try crawling. I couldn't believe how quickly you were figuring it out. I called your dad at work and they let him come home early to watch you. It was really special to be able to share that with him ♥ Baby Kay, It's still hard to believe how much you've grown in such a short time. You're becoming so independent already, always wanting to feed yourself and hold your bottle. Some days I think I need you more than you need me. I love you small fry. Please don't grow up too quickly. ~ Love Mom

So we tried to get a video of Katie trying to crawl. After about 6 attempts, this is the best she would give us. It's more of am army crawl. But you get the point. She's on the move!

1 comment:

  1. Omg. Make me get all teary eyed and cry a little bit. She has gotten so big - I love the video. I can't wait to see her again, she's a cutie. Miss you guys!
