Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I have recently discovered that if you plan on changing your babies diaper during the night, sleepers are not very practical as it wakes the baby up more than need be. So the last few nights, Katie has been going to bed in t-shirts and a diaper, which is okay, except her legs get cold when she wriggles out from under her blankets, and I don't have a lot of t-shirts for her, so what is she supposed to wear during the day when I have her diaper free? So I went in search of a pattern for baby nightgowns. I didn't find one. Elijah and I then found ourselves cutting up old t-shirts and re-purposing them into baby nightgowns. We used some of his old army t-shirts, one green and more blue, as well as a few scraps from old t-shirts I had used to make Katie's Dr. Seuss floor blanket. The first night we made one, the second time we went to make one, we made two in less time it took us to make the first. So now we have three baby nightgowns, which fit Katie well. They aren't that pretty seeing as we didn't have a plan to follow, but they're practical and they were free.
this is the first one we made

Yes there is a giraffe on the sleeve :) just a little girly touch to an army shirt

this one is my favorite. as you can see it has dark blue on the back and pink sleeves
and as a side note, this morning is the first time Katie has put herself in a sitting position without supporting herself with a hand.

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