Monday, June 27, 2011


Don't read this as a complaint. We found it to be quite humorous,

Yesterday we booked our flights home, more or less maxing out our credit card, which should have been paid off by now. then we get in the car and drop off the canoe we had been borrowing. On our way there, we had been talking about how good we were doing with our money, even though we're a little farther behind then what we expected. On our way back into town, one of our rear tires blew. Now, where the hell are we supposed to get the money for new tires, when we just spend every last penny on flights home and pay day is still four days away. Elijah was clearly frustrated so I just popped the trunk and started emptying it to get the spare out. He emerged eventually :) and put the donut on the car. By the time we got to Walmart, I was really hungry and needed to eat something. We checked the price on tires, picked up a can of tomatoes, grabbed a few burgers form mcdonalds ( clearly a healthy choice for a pregnant lady) and were on our way. Halfway through our trip, we were discussing whether we should wait until thursday to get it fixed, or do it tomorrow. While weighing the pro's and con's, Elijah starts laughing as he realizes, we have 1000$ tucked away as an emergency fund for things like this while we work at paying off our debt. So, we decided that we would get two new tires today after my doctor's appointment, pay back our emergency fund on thursday and buy two more tires when we get home in august.

Later last night, we decided to go for a walk, because katie clearly was not tired. We had planned on taking the dogs with us, however they decided to act up, and so we left them. Turns out i had a few dollars in the stroller, so we went to walmart and bought jujubes, which we decided against buying earlier, so that I could get right away. When we got back home, the kitchen was destroyed. Have I mentioned just how much I love my dogs? Included in the eaten list was my diaper bag, 1 lb of raw ground beef, which we were planning on using for dinner, a few containers and some garbage. We were very pleased with our dogs...Still in an oddly good mood though. Katie went to sleep easily, although she woke twice to feed instead of the one feed at 3am she had been doing lately. I lay awake coughing most of the night and had finally stopped when she wanted to feed a second time, so Elijah fed her for me. Katie woke around 630 as usual, and Elijah brought her to me with a bottle. She didn't have much before snuggling back down to sleep until 8, which i was very grateful for. Thank goodness for small blessings and good attitudes.

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