Monday, April 18, 2011

I made this...

I've been reading a lot of different subjects lately, from how to raise goats to natural child birth. Each new bit of information that I intake, helps me to understand what kind of life I'd like to live. I can't wait for the day that Elijah and I can live together on a nice piece of land, eating the food we've grown from seeds and spending our nights in a house we've worked so hard for. Until then ( so for the next 20 years) we'll spend time learning how to garden and preserve, how to make quilts and homemade toys. Together we're learning that convenience and simplicity aren't the same thing. Sure we do enjoy technology and being able to get things when you want them, without having to wait or do it yourself, but at the same time, it's so much more satisfying sitting down to a homemade meal or giving a gift to a friend and being able to say, I made this.

The next child that we have, I'd like to have more control over the birthing process. I want to be able to tell the doctor whether or not i think he should break my water, I want my husband to be as involved in it as possible, doing more than just cutting the cord. I want him to hand me that little miracle as soon as it's born, before being cleaned off, weighed, measured or cord cut. I want to be able to look at, smell and feel our child and be able to say, I made this...we made this.

I want a house full of kids who we'll raise together . We'll help them grow to become adults and start families of their own and hope that some of our values stay with them. Once they've all grown and started their own lives, I want to be able to look at my husband who's stood by me and grown gray alongside me, and be able to say, we made this.

Life truly is amazing. Make memories and don't waste it.

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