Thursday, August 11, 2011

EC update

I had told Elijah that once Katie goes two weeks without a wet diaper at night, we would put her to bed diaper free. While on vacation, she was dry every night but one. That was the night after she had been up five time the night before. Her and Sophie went to bed early and woke up a little while later thinking it was a nap. It was a fight to get them back to sleep, and I think we may have put her to bed in a wet diaper :(. Anyways, she woke up for her first feed wet, and also in the morning didn't wake us up, just sat up in bed and played. So by the time we got up, she was wet. Aside form that night, she was dry every night for 19 days. That is, until we got home and I put her to bed diaper free. Our first night at home was a disaster. It was Katie's first day back on Alberta time as well as her first night sleeping alone since we left. She woke up for her first feed with wet shorts, thankfully the shorts took most of it, because I don't have a second set of sheets yet. Then I put her in bed with us, because she just wasn't sleeping. And the next time she woke, I told Elijah to make sure she didn't pee in our bed while I went to get the bottle. Simple enough instructions, basically, go hold her over the pee bucket until I get back. Apparently he didn't hear me and he was pretty grumpy when i returned saying how she peed in our bed. Oh well, not her fault. I ended up sleeping on a towel. Exciting. Anyways. Yesterday we bought another fitted sheet, of what I thought was a fitted sheet. turns out it's a flat sheet so I'll need to exchange it. We tried diaper free all night again. She had a pretty good sleep, back to her old routine of waking around 11, 130ish and 5. As well as once before we go to bed, just for a pee. She stayed dry all night and came to sleep with me after her 5 am feed ( a whole 2 oz) and slept until just after 7. Seems we're back on our old Alberta sleep schedule.

So things are going well at night, but during the day is about the same. When she poops, she normally stops what she's doing and looks at you as if you say " Aren't you going to help me? " And we still manage to catch a few pees each day, although not nearly as many as i'd like. She sits on her potty to play sometimes, so at least I know she has no problems getting on and off of it by herself. As for signals, she's started to sign for more, and before we left, she was signing potty either after or while she peed. Unfortunately she stopped doing that and has gone back to fussing, which could mean anything coming from her :) I'm still hopeful that she'll be 100% diaper free come December. If not, hopefully practicing EC right from the start with baby number 2 will help as well.

On a side note, I currently weigh 153.5 lbs. I'll be 20 weeks tomorrow. My pre-pregnancy weight with Katie was 155. Wow I must have lost ALOT of muscle.

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