Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Peaceful moments

You know the feeling when the world just feels right? I've had a few of those lately.

One was while we were camping in Rockwood and i was putting Katie to bed. I pulled out her books and lay down beside her to hopefully read her one. She scooted next to me, snuggled up to me and let me actually read her a book for the first time. Then another, and another. She then sat up and flipped through each of them ( instead of trying to eat the books) by herself for close to 15 minutes.

Another was the other night, when i was trying to give her her milk in a sippy cup instead of her bottle, but she was refusing. She decided that snuggling with mom for near an hour was better than milk form a sippy cup. I know i should have just caved and given her her milk so she would sleep, but that nice, long, peaceful snuggle period with my daughter was very just so relaxing and needed.

I have been blessed with an amazing man as a husband, who has given me the greatest gifts i could ever ask for;
our child(ren) and the chance to stay home with them and watch them learn and grow.

Tomorrow is our "twenty week" ultrasound with baby number two. This one kicks and rolls around like crazy! I can't wait to see who's hiding in there ♥ no we won't be finding out the sex, but I'm very excited to get a glimpse of the little one and make sure he or she is healthy and growing well.

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