Thursday, August 11, 2011

Vacation, over!

After a busy, yet fantastic two and a half week vacation, we're home. Although we didn't take a single picture while we were gone, I did manage to steal all of my mom's photo's, and my in-laws will be sending us all of the ones they took. Here's part of our vacation in pictures:

Playing with cousin Sophie. I think the saddest part of leaving was knowing they won't see each other for another year.

Playing at camp. Too many people to see, not enough time to relax as a family, but good all the same.

Meeting a new friend. Courtney and Nathan came to camp for a day with Avery. the girls got to play together for a bit.

Seeing old friends. Megan and Kyle came to visit too! Along with Meg's boy friend Chris. It was a good time.

THE PICTURE ROCK. The whole family at camp
Katie turned one while we were there. Tons of friends and family came to say hi and meet her :)

Lady bug cupcakes ♥ Next time I won't be rushed when making these.

We also had Nanny's 75th party the day we got there, we had dinner in London with my uncle Rory, Went camping for a couple nights with Elijah's family, went to the butterfly conservatory, and went on a date just the two of us. Overall it was jam packed but worth every penny spent of getting there. Next time we come home will be with two kids instead of just one.

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